
Indiana and Michigan’s Preferred Decking Contractor

(574) 210-5951

If you must choose, Choose wisely...

The difference between composite and wood decks

What's the big deal?

Building a deck off your home often seems like a straightforward endeavor until you find yourself smack dab in the middle of it. Costs rise with each decision you make, and there are typically far more decisions at play than people realize. While most us know where we want our deck and why we want it, there is often quite a lot of confusion surrounding the different materials at our disposal.

Make A Decision That's Right For You...

Here are the pros and cons

While we might post something in the future on the use of lumber comparing pressure-treated, water-resistant, and hardwood, here we’re going to focus exclusively on the more general difference between composite versus wood.

Generally Speaking...

Generally speaking, you’ll be paying more for composite materials. They come in a variety of colors and materials, but if up-front cost is an issue, you’re going to want to use lumber. Which begs the question, why would someone pay more up-front for composite materials? Does that mean composite is better than wood? Not necessarily.

Here's A Breakdown...

Lumber Decking

  • Typically Less Material Is Required
  • Cheaper Than Composite
  • Authentic Look and Feel
  • Compostable/Re-usable Over Time
  • 6 – 9 Year Life Span

Composite Decking

  • Greater Resistance To Insect Infestations
  • Resistance To Wood Splintering
  • Resistance To UV Fading
  • Recycled Material Options
  • 50 Year Life Span

Aesthetics vS Maintenance

Once people have all of the facts at their disposal, it typically boils down to a ratio between aesthetics and ease of use. For those of us who value the aesthetic of real wood, the smell it has on a warm summer day, and the feel of it beneath our feet, wood is an obvious choice.

For those of us who don’t want to take the time to stain and treat our decks and repair them over time, the aesthetics are typically not as great a consideration. We don’t care about its authenticity so much as its ease of use. If we don’t have time to take care of it, and don’t want to pay someone else to do it, composite is an obvious choice.

So it’s a mistake to think of one as better than the other. Both offer different benefits to the people who use them. And we’re here to help you further navigate these decisions if you need more assistance. Call us to schedule an appointment if you’d like to talk decks!

(574) 210-5951

Whether composite or wood, We Build Decks To Last...